Thought Leadership

Why choose Tessell for your startup?

Bakul Banthia
Bakul Banthia
March 24, 2023
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Cloud has revolutionized the way information is delivered and consumed. The demand for easy-to-use applications that evolve and scale rapidly has led to organizations deploying most of their infrastructure on the cloud. But what about databases? To reduce the latency between the application and the database, it naturally follows that databases also reside on the cloud. Especially, when you're building a new application or technology from the ground up, you need a strong foundation for hosting and managing your databases so that you can better compete and innovate. Pulling this off usually requires a database-as-a-service (DBaaS) solution.

There are dozens of vendors offering DBaaS solutions in the market. So, why choose Tessell? For startups, time is the most precious thing, but database administrators typically burn that time administering and managing databases on the cloud.

Database administrators (DBAs) are usually swamped with routine, manual tasks. Owing to the evolving roles of DBAs, startups are constantly looking for ways to automate the repetitive, administrator-dependent database management tasks so that DBAs can focus on developing strategic business solutions. The ability to provision databases quickly, automate repetitively mundane administrator tasks, and make the application easy to use - lies at the heart of Tessell. The benefits of a fully-managed DBaaS solution with automation ripple through the organization - from developers to DBAs. With Tessell's self-service portal, application developers can spin up any database engine of their choice on their choice of cloud instead of depending on the DBA to do it for them. Your service can be up and running in minutes without the need for investing in maintaining and purchasing costly hardware. Moreover, your DBAs can use their time to focus on developing strategic business solutions.

Being a startup, we understand that you need to be on top of your game to bring your products and technologies to market as quickly as possible. Automation plays a key role in accelerating the time-to-market. Once the database is up and running, you needn't have to worry about managing the infrastructure. With Tessell, you can automate routine tasks such as provisioning and de-provisioning databases, scaling resources up or down, applying patches, creating backups, and taking snapshots. In terms of automation, Tessell provides the code equivalent of UI to create and manage databases on the cloud with Terraform. Terraform lets developers write their database infrastructure in code. Along with support for Terraform, developers can also manage the service with in-built APIs that they can call with the click of a button.

What gives Tessell a competitive edge over other DBaaS services is that it offers highly differentiated data management compared to other cloud database vendors who can only provide undifferentiated heavy lifting. The in-built Availability Machine and Dataflix apps together combine to offer enterprise-grade data management for prod, QA, and dev environments in one place. Along with automated backups and snapshots, the Availability Machine lets you export databases, tables, and rows out of your database instance that you can share in a policy-driven manner with the intended users in the region of your choice. The exported database dumps can then be imported into another database to restore data. This scenario is ideal for developer environments.

If you're thinking that all these conveniences of a fully-managed DBaaS solution come with a heavy price, then Tessell is here to prove you wrong. We understand that for an organization in its infancy, it is crucial to keep costs minimal to reduce capital expenditure. Tessell is the most beneficial when it comes to running performance-heavy databases at unmatched costs. You can be assured to easily turn your CapEx into ongoing savings in more ways than one with Tessell. Choose from our flexible database deployment options to suit your requirements of data security, compliance, workloads, control over the data, and price. What you get is a flexible pricing model that allows you to start small, pay only as per usage, and grow with your service. With the simple-to-use monitoring app, you can analyze spends, track usage, and get clear visibility and predictability of your spending in real-time.

Are you worried about the hassle of migrating your existing database? Well, Tessell has you covered. Whether your existing databases are on-premises, self-managed in the cloud, or you are using a managed cloud database service provider, our migration services will help you seamlessly migrate the databases to Tessell. Our Support experts will help you every step of the way so that you experience a seamless transition.

Strong structures are built on solid foundations. We believe that Tessell provides that steady foundation to catapult your business to success. Fuel your business with Tessell's unmatched performance, cost, and experience the benefit of investing in a truly fully-managed database infrastructure.

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