Thought Leadership

Why choose Tessell for your enterprise?

Bala Kuchibhotla
Bala Kuchibhotla
March 24, 2023
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More and more enterprises are actively evaluating and migrating vast portions of their infrastructure to the cloud to meet the demands of the rapidly changing markets, to keep up with the growing data volumes, and for greater business agility. Traditional databases running on dedicated servers create an application divide that keeps businesses from faster deployments and resource sharing. Admittedly, there is worth in migrating the database workloads to the cloud for a seamless and efficient experience for users. Though many vendors offer database-as-a-service (DBaaS) to help enterprises manage their databases on the cloud, these offerings are only a piecemeal solution. The existing DBaaS solutions, built for general-purpose workloads, often fall short of meeting the database demands of large, cloud-defining, enterprises.

Tessell, the only fully-managed DBaaS solution, was launched with the sole mission of addressing the challenges of running relational databases on the cloud and converting them into strengths. Let's see how Tessell tackles the challenges faced by large enterprises as they migrate their database workloads to the cloud.

The biggest challenges that mission-critical, complex databases are often met with on the cloud are performance and cost. Existing cloud database services are typically built on elastic compute and distributed storage architecture. Distributed storage can churn out high IOPS but they come at exorbitant prices. The higher the database workload, the more you spend to achieve the desired performance. Consequently, maintaining a high-performance operational database on the cloud digs way deep into the pockets of enterprises than their budgets can handle.

Tessell's high-performance compute can support mission-critical database instances with more than 1 million IOPS and low latency. Leveraging the benefit of directly attached NVMe storage, the Tessell platform can meet the most demanding database workloads with ease, even the massive workloads that today run on engineered systems like Exadata on-premises.

Even if you're happy to pay the premium price for the convenience of DBaaS, the complication of compromised security is real for enterprises. According to the Forrester State of Public Cloud Migration 2022 report, the number one concern for enterprises migrating to the cloud is security and protecting data from unauthorized access to internal and external users. The Tessell platform is designed to keep the security-first architecture at the fore. You can leverage the in-built industry-leading security policies and practices to ensure that teams can securely access relevant data while enforcing your own data governance policies. Our security framework comes with a strong identity and access management engine, SSO integration with popular identity providers, and encryption of data at rest and in transit. It provides an efficient access control mechanism that when coupled with encryption can help enterprises share data securely among users. To add to this, enterprises can leverage Tessell's Bring Your Own Architecture (BYOA) model to bring your own keys, networks, security policies, or identity provider to use your own security infrastructure that suits your needs best.

Another prevalent challenge with managed database services today is that the data masking process is manual and cumbersome and these services do not provide undifferentiated data management. As a result, many organizations end up providing unauthorized access to the database snapshot - thereby creating a vulnerability. Tessell, with its undifferentiated data management, allows you to upload sanitization scripts and create sanitized snapshots so that masking sensitive data and sharing sanitized snapshots among users becomes easy. In addition, there's no need to manually perform complex tasks such as backup and recovery, or manually capture snapshots. Because all these tasks can be automated.

In exchange for the ease of use that enterprises get with a DBaaS, enterprises may find themselves locked into the cloud infrastructure, whether they like it or not. They look for database deployment options that are not rigid and that best copes with their requirements for data security, compliance, workloads, control over the data, and more. At Tessell we understand that there can never be a one-size-fits-all when it comes to choosing the right deployment option for enterprises. To offer complete cloud vendor independence to enterprises, Tessell separates the control plane from the data plane, offering transparent choices of deployment. A customer can either choose the 100% SaaS model where the database is hosted and managed by Tessell or, choose to host the database in their infrastructure and let Tessell manage it. Thanks to the flexible choices of deployment, enterprises needn't worry anymore about data security, compliance issues, and rigid lock-in terms.

Existing services provide high availability in multiple availability zones in a region. But how should enterprises handle region failures for mission-critical databases? Tessell to the rescue! Enterprises needn't worry about data loss or downtime with Tessell's agile infrastructure. With the Availability Machine app, enterprises can set up Multi-Availability Zone (AZ) high availability and cross-region disaster recovery to achieve zero data loss and business continuity plan for mission-critical databases.

Are you worried about the hassle of migrating your existing database? Well, Tessell has you covered. Whether your existing databases are on-premises, self-managed in the cloud, or you are using a managed cloud database service provider, our migration services will help you seamlessly migrate the databases to Tessell. Our Support experts will help you every step of the way so that you experience a seamless transition.

Choose Tessell to supercharge your enterprise with 10x cloud database performance at 7x lower costs. With Tessell's unmatched performance, security, and fully-managed database infrastructure, you can run your most critical applications on the cloud with confidence.

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